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By Anonymous - 09/04/2016 09:46

Today, while hiking alone for the first time, I had to take a leak. I ended up wiping with what turned out to be a poison ivy leaf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 204
You deserved it 7 111

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This FML was brought to you by Kleenex Go Packs. Kleenex Go Packs: hiking and having an itch-free crotch are no longer mutually exclusive!

born_hustla 26

Aww damn...I'm curious how that turned out. As gross as you may think it is to not wipe after peeing, it's better not too when you don't have clean tissue available.


Yeah, YDI on this one. You should learn to identify common poisonous plants such as that...and you shouldn't use any plant you don't know as toilet paper, but at least you weren't trying to eat it, I guess.

Not to judge but isn't it hiking 101 to bring some toilet paper with you if your a girl. Better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it.

It's hiking 101 to bring something to wipe with, regardless of gender and equipment. Walking/hiking can cause people to have to shit, and most people find it unpleasant to be walking around with shit stains. (You should also bring a bag to store used wiping material in, for sanitation sake.)

TP is also a gray fire starter in case of emergency.

Wipe your ass (or other things) with grass next time

Wash with warm soapy water, and make sure that any clothes that came in contact are completely clean. I'd wash them twice, maybe even three times- or straight out replace them, given that you really don't want to risk reexposure to that area. If you have a bathtub, I suggest oatmeal baths. About half a cup of ground up oatmeal (you can use a food processor for this) to each gallon of water. You want the water to be warm enough to stay that way for about 30 minutes, but not hot, and just enough to cover the areas exposed to the ivy with water. Add in the ground oatmeal, stir, let the water sit for ten minutes. Stir the water again just before sitting in it. You can also try adding green or chamomile tea bags to it, if you are willing to try it. That said, if you've never had chamomile tea before, test some on your skin somewhere else, because some people are allergic to chamomile. For those that aren't allergic though, it AIDS in reducing skin irritation.

andrmac 25

If you haven't already wash with dawn dish soap it will remove the oil and keep if from spreading, tecnu and the really expensive zanfel do just that but cost a lot more. In the future when it comes to any plant before you use it for anything fold to make it bleed and rub on a safe place on your arm wait 15-30 minutes no reaction probably safe. If you have the time 1 hours is recommended. Other option bring a roll of TP or wipes. Short hike pull the roll out in the bathroom before it runs out to save weight and space.

mrbt1 3

No one hikes alone....that's like the first rule of hiking

bigdfootball97 24

Who the hell wipes when they pee?

Lots of women do. Some guys do. I'd rather have guy wipe after because just doing the snake shake still gets a mess all over the place.

TabooSushi 24

... Do you not know any women? Or how women work? At all? Short answer: Women wipe. Why? Because otherwise pee gets on our panties, which not only leads to unpleasant smells, but also possible rashes and infections.

You deserve it, Posion Ivy is an obivous looking plant that straight up says don't touch.