By Al - 10/03/2010 02:07 - United States

Today, while attempting a DIY pest removal, one of our tenants lit a skunk on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 995
You deserved it 2 919

Same thing different taste

Top comments


FYLDeep 25

Yeah, but I doubt a home-schoolers like Snick would understand what it means to Get-R-Done.

That must make for one horrid stench...... flamming skunks, kinda sounds like a bar shot, rock band or smelly ****'s.


if I see someone setting another skunk on fire I'm going to go crazy!

Fminetoo 0

and the skunk ran around like crazy till he ran out of gas...

In all honesty, who among us hasn't done this at some stage?

Uh I haven't. Animal cruelty like this, especially by a child, is often the first criminal activity of a future serial killer. Look it up if you don't believe me. Almost all serial killers had a history of abuse towards animals as children.

Ya umm... NOBODY said it was a child!!! It obviously can't be cruel cuz it's totally f*ckin funny... Go hug a tree

So because he was an adult it's okay? No. It's not funny. It's criminally cruel.

Actually she is right, when a child is abusing small animals it's the sign that the child is a sociopath and will slowly build up to harming children and, more than likely, murder. When an adult does it it's just stupidity and ignorance.

I haven't laughed at an FML in ages - this is seriously funny! :o) Well written too - short and to the point. I am assuming that having a recently-proven-to-be-flammable skunk in or near the house is not something you'd want to repeat? My guess is that the FIY - oops, I mean DIY - removal included some kind of a flame-thrower?? OMG - *starts laughing again* Leaves singing "Who put the skunk out?...."