By Noname - 26/10/2008 21:20 - United States

Today, while at the dinner table, my grandmother told me she backed over a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 184
You deserved it 4 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xMooMoox 0

I agree with # 1 and 7. Today I was ran over by a crazy old grandma driving a dinner table FML

Why does your Grandmother being a shit driver mean your life is ******? This isn't an FML...


Mind if I ask how exactly OP deserved it,for those that voted that way?

Multiple periods? That's rough, buddy, can't even imagine the pain and blood

I'm so sorry to be the bearer of annoying news but my inner grammar nazi won't stop pestering me until I say ... Your *

That's really sweet, it shows he comfortable around you and not grossed out by a simple period :) and it's funny too ! Keep him OP xx

I'm literally watching Dexter right now haha. It's so great

Soverain 15

At least he didn't turn around and yelled "surprise ************" while you were changing.

What the **** is the problem here, sensitive bitch?