By tatortot7707 - 13/01/2011 04:42 - United States

Today, when I went to pick my kid up from daycare, I found out that he had run away. The rest of my afternoon consisted of me screaming his name, looking for him. I then returned to the daycare center. He thought it would be funny if he hid in the trash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 001
You deserved it 3 813

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sallen0046 4

Your kid was missing and the daycare staff didn't have enough sense to check the premises? The first thing you need to do is have a serious conversation with your son about inappropriate behavior. The second is to find a daycare that's actually capable of keeping track of your child. The third is to take legal action because they not only lost your child, but they did not take appropriate steps to locate the child or report him as missing to the authorities. I'm not a big fan of jumping on the lawsuit bandwagon, but these people obviously need to be investigated to determine if they're even capable of running such a 'business'.

malisa916 7

I'm glad your child is safe. I say it's time to find a new daycare center. FYL.


Your profile says you are both 20 and 13. I am a bit confused. I clicked it because you look like a stupid beiber-tard and I was SINCERELY hoping you mentioned something about it in your profile so I could poke fun at you. Waste of time I regret, really, as is this. Insomnia.

therealsuperman 0

I'm going to go out on a limb and say he's 13...

Superman-would your super power happen to be the powers of deduction?

love this comment ridiculous amounts!^^

15thPrestige 0

Trust me, I am far more intelligent then I appear. Also I'm not a "bieber" my hair is quite different actually. But I thank you for the comment ;]. Sincerely, "Your bieber boy".

at least your son will be prepared for the zombie apocalypse. if his own father cant find him in a trash can, imagine what he could do with all the random equiptment you seem to accumulate during any normal attack.

oops. mother. haha. didnt bother to check. same gist.

rawredith 0

Your child needs to be punished and your daycare needs to fix some obvious issues. Like, why they hadn't called you when they noticed your son missing in the first place, rather than have you find out when you showed up to pick him up. If they DIDN'T notice him missing until you came to pick him up maybe you need to re-evaluate who you use for your childcare, and lastly, they clearly didn't look hard enough for him, if he was only hiding in the trash. I'd get a new daycare if I were you, really.

Oh my god. I'd freak out. New daycare for sure! When I was younger I hid in a clothes hamper and my mom went crazy looking for me. My little cousin just hid in one of her dressers. Kids are evil.

You should send your son to school to be a ninja, as he already has learned the skill of how to use the environment to his advantage and how to evade authority. Then you should threaten the use of law ninja on the daycare for them not having accountability of your child.

Next time put a tracking device on that little bastard! Smart kid though!

MrSweetness 0

Shoot... I would of gotten whipped by my parents if I pulled a stunt like that when I was a kid. Show him no mercy!!! Spank him!!! :)