By effmylife - 06/09/2009 23:12 - Canada

Today, when I was finished eating at McDonalds, I went to Shoppers to pick up a new toothbrush. I got back to my car only to find the windows smashed in. The only thing that was missing from my car was the Hello Kitty toy I got from McDonalds. Someone broke into my car for a 10 cent toy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 183
You deserved it 3 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would do anything for Hello Kitty toys.

rofl/fail and it wasnt even a 10 cent toy, since mcdonalds toys are free


YDI for going to McDonalds. that place is disgusting.

you are on the wrong site! you should have gone to MLIA

lol that's ******* hilarious. sorry about your car though.

Just thought I'd say, it didn't say the toy was hers... it says it was in the car. There could be a daughter who has not been mentioned so you know, for all we know the happy meal was for her daughter as was the Hello Kitty toy. And as for everyone saying McDonald's is disgusting, that's your point of view, thank you for sharing your bias media influenced opinion with us. All you see is the bad stuff about fast food chains, why? Because it's controversial so people want to tune in. If it was saying McDonald's is a fun house of organic beauty no one would watch.

Who cares about the exact price of the toy? It's still going to be alot cheaper than having to pay to fix her window. And just cause you hate McDonalds doesn't mean that we should all follow your opinion...

lovinlife4 0

first of all the toys are 89 cents if bought wholesale if bought by a customer from mcdonalds its $1.98 where i live at least but yeah that sucks

no0000ob 0

your completely rite... thnk you for sharing your opinions

:D hey... look at it this way... at least they stole something utterly worthless.

Something like that happened to me. They broke in and only stole a $5 Tim Horton's gift certificate that was in the glove box. I was grateful that they didn't take anything of value, but pissed off that they smashed my windows for no real reason.

kat0ria 0

Maybe they just really, REALLY liked it?