By Anonymous - 07/02/2014 23:16 - United Kingdom

Today, wanting to break up with my boyfriend, I invited him to dinner with my parents. I was sure they'd hate him, which would give me the excuse I needed. They ended up loving him, and now they won't stop mentioning marriage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 720
You deserved it 53 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ninety 25

If you wanted to break up wouldn't you already have a reason without having to create one?


So, if your night had gone as planned, he would (possibly) be all nervous and excited to take the step of "meeting the parents", then, you dump him, that's nice.

Things often backfire when you try to take the coward's way out.

Her real reason for wanting a legit excuse to dump him is probably because she found a man with a bigger **** and is to ashamed to tell the truth.

Epikouros 31

A bigger afro? A bigger bike? Cane? Door? Edge? Face? Goat? Head? Iron? Jeep? Kiln? Lawn? Maze? Neck? Odor? Pill? Quad? Rake? Sail? Tarp? Ulex? Veil? Wadi? Xyst? Yard? Zobo? Please don't speak in riddles!

YDI for being shady as hell like that. If you're too much of a pansy to dump him then you houldn't even be in the relationship. People like you annoy me.

Shouldn't be immature if you don't think it's going anywhere that's the reason to do it

For your inventiveness, FYL. For your manipulation, YDI.

Why didn't you just break up with him without going through all this drama, OP? You could have given him a lame excuse, done it kindly, and be done with it. By having your parents help you do your dirty work, it backfired. YDI a thousand times.