By Calimero0o - 03/08/2018 15:00 - Netherlands - Heerhugowaard

Today, the first day in nearly a year that I had completely to myself, I booked a spa day and a massage. Just after I arrived at the spa, the daycare center called. The baby had a fever and needed to be picked up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 468
You deserved it 315

Top comments

You couldn't have called a family member or a babysitter to go pick up the baby?

You’re never going to have a day to yourself when you have a small child. Be a good mom or you won’t get any of their time when they grow up.


Now normally I'd be sympathetic, having brought my kids up without any grandmothers nearby to help out, but why did you say "the baby". It's OK to say "the cat" but surely it's "my baby"?