By J. Homen - 30/03/2013 22:22 - United States

Today, the girl I thought I was dating got into a fight with me over the phone. She did this because she bet her boyfriend that she could make me cry on FaceTime. She won the bet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 843
You deserved it 5 790

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what a bitch. Don't worry about it, OP, some people are just complete douches.

Shit like this is why I hate people. WTF is wrong with her?!


I think you're the bitch. No need to cry over that shit.

we don't know what the fight was over. she could've pulled some really low blows or used personal deep secrets against him

At least it is over. You are definitely luckier than the boy friend who is still stuck with a person like her.

If he's a bad enough person to agree to a bet like that, I'd say these two deserve each other. I hope they live in misery together.

Shadow_Phantom 26

Least you dodged that bullet. What a hoe. FYL though.

That sucks for both you and her boyfriend!

I'm more concerned that her boyfriend was involved with the whole thing? where did you find these cretins? She's done you a favour OP she sounds really messed up.

Naws I feel for you, we'll at least you know her true colours

This is probably a stupid question but was the entire relationship a bet? Or did she only bet her boyfriend that she could make op cry? Also, how did op get the idea that she was his girlfriend. Sorry, I'm just a bit confused. Either way, I'm very sorry op. you are better off without that bitch. I have faith in you that you will find a wonderful girl that will make you very happy.

Her heart is black, blacker than the depth of the universe. For her to be inhumane, her soul is non-existent.