By hellokitty133 - 30/09/2011 01:56 - United States

Today, the boys who sit at my math table decided it would be funny to throw broken pencils at my boobs to see if they were real. They did this the entire class period. I have to work with this group for the rest of the school year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 999
You deserved it 3 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kick em in the nuts and see if they're real.

Tell them that's the closest they'll ever get to ****.


Don't let them have their way! Stand up fo yourself

currituck12 0

The group of guys I had to work with tried throwing stuff down my shirt during class. I feel your pain

LilMissZer0 6

kick them in the balls and ask them if their junk is real.

This comment made my day: awesome response #215.

Report them for bullying? Or maybe explain that it is sexual harrassment and wrong? :/ Don't put up with it..?