By Fairy31 - 01/03/2012 00:01 - United States

Today, the boy I tutor failed his math test. As a result, the family fired me. The boy failed because he forgot to write his name at the top. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 139
You deserved it 2 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DontClickOnMe 28

That's ridiculous. Just tell his parents what happened.

Rei_Ayanami 18

That is pretty ridiculous, I hope that income wasn't too important.


It's obvious you are a lousy teacher. You forgot to teach him the most important lesson in life. Always shamelessly claim credit for your work. :p

That's a type of stupid that can't be fixed.

Chrispayne 4

Never heard of a teacher going that. Maybe taking off a few points and of thats the case. Was his gradea "D" and the,minus 5 for the name made it a "F"? If he got a "d" then,yescu thought of been fired.

Miaoudeminou 7

Wow... and I still don't get how people function daily when they have no idea. I don't think the teacher should be held responsible for anything. I've lived in multiple states across the US and went through many different schools as a kid. It was always taught from kindergarten through junior high school to write your name on your paper. In high school they just assumed you weren't that stupid. Many of my teachers would just throw the test in the garbage. If they finished grading papers and yours didn't receive a grade then you failed. It was only exceptionally nice teachers that'd try to find a name to the paper. We need to educate kids better these days instead of laying the blame on others.

Rocker_chic_86 2

Completely agree. It's like that cartoon that's all over the place. Fifty years ago a kid with a failing grade is cowering in front of his parents as they ask him to explain the grade and in the next panel the parents are holding a failing grade over the teacher's head and asking her what she's going to do about the bad grade while the kid smirks in the back. Students these days have it way easier and really really don't want to do any work of any kind.

maybe he came from the shallow end of the gene pool

fishereric 1

I know how that feels. I hate tutoring with a passion.

You should have tutored him about writing his name down.

emily7683 0
gitaly101 3

Im from Connecticut to, and bullshit like that happens time too! :/