By Anonymous - 08/10/2015 01:47 - United States - Woodbridge

Today, the 3 girls who have continuously bullied me for the past 3 years gave a class presentation on why bullying is so terrible. Judging from our teacher's comments, they're going to get top marks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 585
You deserved it 1 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CliffyB03 28

Call them out on their shit. I would.

And in 5 years time will all be single mums! :) see life's not so bad, cheer up OP :)


I would yell "hypocrites!" at them and then storm out of room in protest.

No context. No one would take you seriously. The best you would muster from that are befuddled and confused looks.

Tell your teacher OP, cause that is not ok.

Bullies are serious hypocrites. I hope karma hits them hard for that.

you should have called them on their BS right then & there in class. I would have. I occasionally got pushed around in school, but they quickly learned I wouldn't sit there & take it. Have tact, but SPEAK YOUR MIND!!

This girl who bullied me for almost 7 years did her college entrance report on bullying. I feel for you OP! That shit sucks. Maybe this means after the research they did, that they'll lighten up at least a bit? One can only hope :/

The only reason why they are getting a good grade is because they are experts in this field. Hang in there, OP.

Change of heart? Doubt it...I hope your teacher sees this event so they can call them out for it