By andromeda80 - 28/03/2012 13:52 - United States - Lakewood

Today, someone spray painted a black skull on the side of my house. We painted over it and installed lights to hopefully persuade intruders not to vandalize the property because it would be a bright area. The lights were stolen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 488
You deserved it 2 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time install A few guard dogs and a machete

That sucks, sorry! I have a sign that says "property monitored by security cameras" even tho it isn't, and it seems to work!


Mount a camera high above the house. Attach the newly installed lights to a live wire. Watch replays and laugh. Repeat. Get a small dog. They bark more and let you know when it's time for the show.

hateevryone 14

Get a pit bull, i can guarantee they won't be in your yard again.

Torva_fml 16

My pit bull is just a lazy pussy. Thanks for the guarantee, I'd like my money back. :)

traze 7

What's wrong with living in the ghetto, I live in the ghetto.

The best thing to do is to install a security camera to catch them. And as a safety precaution, Install a camera to record that camera so that one doesn't get stolen. And a camera recording that one, and a camera recording that one and so on and so forth... They'll never find them all in time!!!

matty_4007 0

Guess they made a 'light' getaway...

The Dark Mark! This is no ordinary vandalism

Why didn't you just put up camera's instead so you could of seen who did it and showed the cops