By noquiero - 21/06/2012 18:13 - United Kingdom - Peterlee

Today, someone rang my doorbell. The moment I opened the door, a smell not unlike a cascading torrent of rotting flesh and urine hit my nostrils. I stood there for an eternity as a homeless man leaned on my door and desperately tried to convince me to buy an array of scrap metal from him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 024
You deserved it 3 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he's trying to make something of himself.


drsonic1 3

I hate it when people say a hobo will buy drugs or alcohol with the money you give him. He probably still worked for the money, because it's in the hobo code of ethics to not beg for money. That's like not paying an employee, because "he might buy drugs".

ky765 0

I thought this was gonna be a zombie story... the news is getting to me

Was he just a Jehovah's witness with Alzheimer's?

Prolly not a JW. Cus of his homelessness.

Hahahaha How the hell did you not see the sarcasm in that post? smh

kraziiawesome 0

Aww. Poor homeless guy. You should've just bought it :( Or at least fixed him a sack lunch from your kitchen and given him a few of the old clothes that you might be taking to goodwill (or a place like it) if you have any. At least he was trying

1337Anonymous911 3

Tell him to get a job, instead of relying on other peoples hard earned money.

drsonic1 3

I assume he worked to get the scrap metal, and he would be happy to get a job so he WASN'T POOR. No offense, but you can't just go with the stereotype of hobos that say they are worthless people who just mooch off of people. Usually homeless people try very hard to earn money.

Yeah, because he probably chose to be in a situation so desperate that he's ended up selling scrap metal and most likely suffering from some kind of horrendous illness (going off the smell of rotting flesh OP mentioned)... He should clearly just suck it up and get a job; it's always that easy after all.

StephLovesYouuxo 1

I wouldve gave him money...

Dude you shoulda just gave him a little bit of cash don't buy the metal just give him some money

Fml? His life you mean? Self centered this.

hahaha. wtf. very original. 2 thumbs up.