By prin - 05/09/2009 06:30 - United States

Today, someone asked my fiancée and I how we met. She said, "Well, it was just supposed to be a one night stand!" and laughed, right as I was about to take her hand and say, "It was love at first sight!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 579
You deserved it 5 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhhxGoshhxAri 0

Well, she's marrying you, right?


beccaboo92 0

Oh please, thats not bad at all! she's marrying u isnt she?

She's way cooler than you. You're a prude.

Dude your chicks a bad ass, don't be a prude little prick

yes to truely love someone at first sight is impossible if you do somthing is wrong. however to like someone since your first interaction is plausible. from there the relationship gets closer and may or may not result in love. the expression refers to enjoying someones presence since you met them through their tone and body language not just through their looks confidence can be noticed by others who know what to look for why cannot trends in emotions?

abasio 1

Which wouldn't have answered the question. "It was love at first sight" in no way answers how you first met. Did you stalk her? Meet her in a bar? Library? Brothel?

DaVons_Mommy 0

How did that work out.? 

1. OP, GOD, I am sure she was joking. However, let her know it hurt your feelings instead of posting here. 2. For all of the people arguing about love and relationships. Get over yourselves. 3. The 18 months thing is typically true of your average relationship. Everyone who is so in love, esecially the men. Would you die for whoever you fell in love with at first sight? Didn't think so... so you weren't in love. 4. To all of those who think all the love at first sight people are idiots. Have you ever heard of people who saw someone across the room and decided that they would marry that person and ta-da. They actually got married and lived ever after. 5. There needs to be a new link! um, this is not an FML moment.

anonymous_guy589 1

You find out the truth in the strangest ways.the real question is, now that you know what are you going to do about it?

I would take that as a compliment; if she originally wanted a one-night stand, but she stayed, that shows that you were a good person!