By Baldy - 03/04/2011 09:16 - New Zealand

Today, my wife told me that she was leaving me for someone with more hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 596
You deserved it 4 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her you were planning on leaving her for someone with less stretch marks.

wheresmyfood 0


tsukaga2isuwaya 0

wow - that's like scumbag low; you don't deserve someone like that... nobody does- let her leave and you find someone who really loves you... for you.

I don't blame him. I don't like women with short hair. lol

That blows. No one has had any problem with me balding except for shedding a lot of hair especially with how long my hair is. OP, you're better off away from her.

Find a woman who thinks bald guys are sexy. There are no shortage of them. My g/f does, luckily for me. Plenty of women think, for example, Patrick Stewart is sexy. My guess is she wanted to leave and your hair loss is just an excuse. Her loss. Move on with your life.

SdCounty33 0

Talk about insult to injury.

Well, you aren't married to her anymore. Always look on the brightside. By the way, she is a bitch.

Violacatt 0

Could be worse, it's better she leaves if she is so shallow.