By ouharguohargssdf - 28/09/2013 21:01 - United States - Fort Wayne

Today, my wife made me go with her to dinner with her parents, despite their long-standing hatred of me. Later on, my mother-in-law muttered to me, "I made yours special for ya", smirked, then made a show of scratching at her butt-crack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 443
You deserved it 2 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do the same but make a show of scratching your balls next time.


If I were OP, I'd voice this very comment out loud. That'll earn him points with the in-laws!

That's disgusting. She makes herself look bad.

happyfingers 15

Why do people have to be so rude? I hope you at least refused to eat it...

Got to love the in laws....things may change...

Heathtastic 10

If her parents hate you then give them a reason. whip it out and take a nice refreshing piss on her food. What's good for the goose

an3ph 20

A scene from The Help comes to mind.

Dude, stick up for yourself. Don't let your in-laws treat you like that, and don't let your wife brow beat you into situations that you absolutely hate. Grow a spine.

If you let your wife - or anyone else for that matter - make you go into a situation where you know you will be abused, then you deserve what you get. Get used to eating shit my friend.