By blueberry_hill - 11/12/2010 16:16 - United States

Today, my thirteen month old son woke me up at 6AM on my day off, by punching me in the eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 787
You deserved it 6 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bmboente15 0
therealsuperman 0

what a quick learner you've created


Splayd 10

I think you made a mistake: You meant to say "one year old" son. People do not count the age of a person in months, but in years, unless he is under a year, which your child is not.

cindywashere 5

you deserve it for saying he's thirteen months old. I bet you're going to be one of those moms that says their kid is 24 months old when he's two.

Most parents say _ month old up until the child is about two. I'm guessing none of you people are actually parents. Most diapers/car seats/chairs for children are specified in months up to two years old. Which is why almost every parent says __ month old. Get over yourselves.

doglover100 28

I don't get why parents say _____ months if the kid is one year or older. Just say 1.

Most parents say _ month old up until the child is about two. I'm guessing none of you people are actually parents. Most diapers/car seats/chairs for children are specified in months up to two years old. Which is why almost every parent says __ month old. Get over yourselves.

Guess you should have listened when he said he wanted his bottle huh?

I had to read this twice, i thought it said 13 year old, my 2 year old cousin punches us all the time, not realizing it of course but it is kinda funny