By blueberry_hill - 11/12/2010 16:16 - United States

Today, my thirteen month old son woke me up at 6AM on my day off, by punching me in the eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 788
You deserved it 6 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bmboente15 0
therealsuperman 0

what a quick learner you've created


TOL_fml 6

It's a new generation now-of-days, kids are getting violent as early as 13 months. What is this society coming to!? To all you people who say that you should punch him wonder he's so violent! Lmao p.s. I hate kids..but I would never punch em' unless there name is Aria and, 3 years old...

ydi for having children and a life (jk)

If you can sleep then that means you have no children, u must have a boy ? My son wakes me up too but he had the courtesy to only hit me in the eye when I'm awake...

Mr_Zachary 0

Tomorrow morning at 5:45am, punch your "13 month old" son in the eye while he's sleeping.

he is freking thirteen months old he I s gonna sleep with his mom and YA of course he is gonna punch in the eye he wants to wake u up I find that cute :)

Oses 0

Looks like ur raising a boxer XD

nomnom_muffins 0

ydi for saying 13 months instead of rounding it off and saying a year. it pisses me off when people don't stop saying kids ages by the month.

joa76 3

Absolutely everything official (as in medical things, like growth charts and immunizations) uses months up to age 3 (36 months). There is a huge difference, developmentally, between a 13 month old and a 23 month old. One is just learning how to walk and have a tiny bit of manual dexterity, the other can talk and is learning how to dress themselves. Calling them both one year olds is leaving out a huge amount of information.

UncleJack 0

bou hu hu... It must be hard to live with.

You also forgot to correct the space you put before your punctuation, which of course is not needed. Honest mistake I'm sure.