By thebeachisthatway - 22/10/2012 18:56 - United States - Worcester

Today, my son got expelled after using the photocopier to photocopy his penis. He then used the copies to replace every directional arrow posted throughout the school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 238
You deserved it 5 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments


-56, why does everyone always have to take everything a step farther? First it was boot-licking, then ass-kissing, then "brown"-nosing... Are we all to start using the term "eating-out-their-ass now? Is that somehow funnier? Ugh... People...

Lunazel93 4

this is hilarious. you should reward his creativity & inventiveness.

billyw02 5

You might want to talk to someone about that.

slimjim8094 12

123 - "We can put up "Wanted" posters all over school... "Have you seen this prick?"" He did the first part for them...

190 I think your gym teacher just wanted to feel on little boy's balls because there is no need for that to happen.