By ghostyyy - 24/07/2010 23:21 - France

Today, my sister was on television. It would have been great if she weren't being handcuffed for burglary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 960
You deserved it 3 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nicknesser 0

Sibling rivalry! Out match her by holding up a bank then committing grand theft auto. Show her who's boss!

at least she can say "oh shit son I'm on tv"


lol more like F her life. you should be proud of her for makin it on tv!

If that was my sister I would laugh at first.

FFML_314 11

I didn't know ghosts could watch TV!

28, YOU'RE a dumbass for not knowing the difference between "your" and "you're" or recognizing a joke (albeit a lame one).

Son_of_Helghan 0

33&28, we're all dumb-asses

FFML_314 11

28, it was a joke. I may not be very funny but hey, I try my hardest. :P

Arsonnist 3

28 should have known the difference seeing 24's picture.

janelly16 7

haha this made my day :) but hey at least it's not u

zach55 0

call her and say "hey! did you know your on tv?" then get some popcorn lie down and watch the show :)

torrlynn37 0
qt4u 0

at least she was on tv and looked like a badass (;