By oh well - 14/03/2019 06:00 - United States - Hesperia

Today, my sister in law threatened to call CPS on me because I “starved” her children when they spent the night. I didn’t starve them. I made an actual home cooked meal instead of the microwaveable or fast food crap she constantly feeds them. They chose not to eat and threw tantrums instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 842
You deserved it 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wait what!!! they're not your kids Haha. go ahead call them lol

cazziuz1983 9

I'm not certain where you grew up, but from where I am from, if I am sitti g your kids then I feed your kids... With what I make, which is the same thing my kids eat, if your kids refuse to eat fine then the get the same treatment as my kids would get... You don't wanna eat that's fine, but legally I am required to provide you meals, not force you to eat them, let her call CPS, law is on my side for this, lol


bloopaloop 27

Did they call you a nazi too? That's normally the next step in refusing good things and throwing tantrums

GoogieWithers 22

Tell her to call them. If she tells them that you refused to give them junk food like she does, they will investigate her instead.

I have twin nephews who used to be like that. I couldn't figure out why they weren't getting hungry when they didn't eat; then I realized they were stuffing their backpacks with candy before leaving home. New rule at my house, no candy until meals are over. Had a couple of days of terrible attitude, but they eventually learned that even though the tacos, hamburgers, sloppy joes, and pasta that I make didn't come out of a box in the freezer, they aren't completely inedible.

Mungolikecandy 19

Easy solution. They want a night off in the future they make alternate arrangements as you no longer look after their children.

What did you make? How do you know if they liked it or not? How old are the kids? How long did they stay with you? Frankly sleepovers I wouldn't try to make someone else's children eat something, especially if I don't know if they like it or not. It'd be all about the kids. Next time make what they like and see if they'll snack on something healthy.