By Anonymous - 18/01/2014 03:48 - United States

Today, my roommate, who has bipolar disorder and refuses to take his meds, tried to stab me with a kitchen knife because I threw out his moldy cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 181
You deserved it 5 527

Same thing different taste


Are you positive it was moldy? I have seen some pretty smelly, green and blue veined runny messes passing for cheese;I think the French them delicacies

I know EXACTLY how this feels. My bipolar friend started a fistfight when I emptied his overflowing ashtray.

Sounds like a new roommate is in order...

Notify the police and find said roommate another place to live (like a mental health facility). Otherwise we can all have a laugh next time when you write from your bloody hospital bed. It is called Assault with a deadly weapon, a felony. Get outta that situation unless you are effing stupid, then you deserve it.

Echoing the others..... Get out of there or find a way to get rid of the roommate. Maybe contact his family? Being around a mentally disturbed person is not a healthy situation for you (I know, I've been there).

Maybe you should spike his drinks with his meds…

perdix 29

Why are you touching another man's cheese, Jack? That's nacho cheese, it's his.

Slip the meds in his food or grind them up or something...