By Anonymous - 18/01/2014 03:48 - United States

Today, my roommate, who has bipolar disorder and refuses to take his meds, tried to stab me with a kitchen knife because I threw out his moldy cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 181
You deserved it 5 527

Same thing different taste


Rissie23 4

I have bipolar myself. Sometimes we feel that we are strong enough to make it without medication. I have never skipped mine because I know it's just the high and I will come falling down very hard. He is really irresponsible. Call his parents next time or the hospital and say that he is endangering your life.

LovedNAustin 1

That sounds more like explosive personality disorder, I'd call the cops and tell them they need to take him to a psychiatrist to be under watch until they find a way to balance his hormones although it doesn't sound likely.

Good thing you called the police and had them file a report, right OP?

If you're still there you're crazier than he is. You should call the police as this behavior needs to be noted on his record.

it's time for a restraining order OP let him find a new room mate!

whathefuckislife 11

you need to move the hell out

nachosbabygurl 9