By Creeped_out_n_stuck - 05/08/2011 04:46 - United States

Today, my roommate demanded that I dance naked for him as a birthday present. When I declined, he offered to pay me. When I declined again, he stormed off to pout in his room and played really loud depressing music. We're both guys and I have 11 months left on my lease with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 542
You deserved it 3 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gusgus36 5

Well, that will be a fun 11 months...


You sooooo deserve that. You should know the kind of person someone is BEFORE moving in with/ or having them move in with you. You're just lucky he's only gay and not a violent serial killer.

bigbisawesome 0

Sweet lol. I might have said yes under certain conditions but thats cuz im gay ;D

Chrispayne 4

Aww poor guy. Just gice him a show and say its ok to look. No touch

bubo_fml 10

2 words...Spy cams...Watch out, Bro, or else everybody will be watching u shake ur viennie weenie!

sociology 0

first of all I hope u r not homophobic cause he is so gay and secondly living with ur parents might be a good choice