By Creeped_out_n_stuck - 05/08/2011 04:46 - United States

Today, my roommate demanded that I dance naked for him as a birthday present. When I declined, he offered to pay me. When I declined again, he stormed off to pout in his room and played really loud depressing music. We're both guys and I have 11 months left on my lease with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 542
You deserved it 3 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gusgus36 5

Well, that will be a fun 11 months...


properbostonian 5

just do it for him... don't knock it until you try it

you lose points and validity for a glee picture

CDigital_32 0

Agreed I thought that when I saw this. I guess I'm just wierd like that though. :3 or kinky. Haha. Whatever. And you GAIN points for glee picture!!!! Gleek!

properbostonian 5

You caught it before I changed it

properbostonian 5

You're not weird :) You sound fun :)

tweetypie 18

Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight :)

ramboman19 8

Atleast it cuts off before his next birthday when he will ask for sex...? Lol

Why not jus strip, what's the big deal? LOL

Come on, what's the harm? Throw the guy a bone(r).

45-You gain points for the guinea pigs :3

I see a beatdown coming! I'm not one to judge. Don't care what your sexual orientation is. Just don't try to push it off on others!

CDigital_32 0

I have to admit(being bi) I hate how people think everyone does this. I'm the kind that see's it as if your not going my way, no point in trying. And then the ones who do creat homophobes. Thanks.

MasterShake1100 0

11 months? That sounds... That sounds like a sitcom! Lol

Vasin_fml 15

Inappropriate birthday pants-off dance-off?

I'm not going to lie... That just sounds really hot. I want to be roomates with you guys.