By OutOfLuck - 17/09/2009 17:32 - United States

Today, my professor informed me that if I didn't "show more commitment" to my choral ensemble he would give my spot to a "more interested young woman." I missed class to see my neurologist. Apparently my seizures are a symptom of lack of commitment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 382
You deserved it 2 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't you just love professors and their assholery?

peaceloveswim94 0

wow. im sorry to hear about such a rude professor.


Are you at SFA? Sounds like a director I once knew. . .

Tell me about it! In my drama group there was a girl whose leg was broken by another bitch who was in our group. The girl whose leg was broken came back as soon as possible and started dancing again, but the bitch got her part instead. The girl with the broken leg only missed 3 sessions and the show wasn't for a month!!!

The music world is kind of a bitch X| But you have to learn to get over the assholery, because singing really can be fun fun fuuun

KiwiGrimm 0

are you in the Singing Hoosiers? Cause there are some crazy bitches in that choir lol

LaGringaC7 0

Dang, that sucks. I'm sure your professor's holding a stack of quarters up his ass or something. I don't see why choir trumps health...I guess all performing arts teachers are like that because the band directors at my school flip out if you tell them you have to miss practice, even if you do it weeks in advance. I hope you can stay in choir and your professor gets fired. Hopefully he doesn't have tenure.

Do you by any chance go to Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC? This sounds like something they would totally do.

charxoxcharxox 0

what a !#@$@#% i have epilepsy too.... thats wierd

Im_cursed 0

how many other times have you missed class before this?..

I hate fmls that are like this just ******* tell him that how ******* hard is that? you must be lying