By OutOfLuck - 17/09/2009 17:32 - United States

Today, my professor informed me that if I didn't "show more commitment" to my choral ensemble he would give my spot to a "more interested young woman." I missed class to see my neurologist. Apparently my seizures are a symptom of lack of commitment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 382
You deserved it 2 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't you just love professors and their assholery?

peaceloveswim94 0

wow. im sorry to hear about such a rude professor.


Hopersz 0

Hey hey hey. Wtf seizures are nothing to mess with at all and neither is epilepsy. Since both are the same and entail the same. Ive been taking meds for my seizures since the day I turned 14 ive had 10 seizures total. All different years and different ages as well. It sucks. Mine are focal seizures which means they are staring seizures. I black out so I don't remember much and my mind is all foggy. Anyhow what im saying here is your professor sounds like a jerk. You should report him to the board of admissions for being a careless person

Last year a girl in my orchestra class had a grand mal seizure. It was really sad to watch. It didn't last very long, but she bit her tongue so hard it almost came looked she was struck by lightening or something. It made me cry watching her in pain. I've never had one, but I feel for ya,OP

conholio33 28

I totally understand where your comming from.... No body understands the importance of seeing your neruologist when you have to miss a class to go.... I would rather miss a class to see my doctor about my seizures rather than have a seizure in class (having seizures sucks i know i have them)

You should have said ok sorry next time you want me to have a seizure in class and let you handle it?