By coldwetnose - 09/05/2011 06:08 - United States

Today, my phone alarm woke me up. It had fallen under my boyfriend's bed. Naked, I got on all fours to retrieve it. My boyfriend's dog stuck his nose in my ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 214
You deserved it 18 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MilanKing 0

you're lucky it was only his nose.

Fish_999 0


y would u leve ur phone number for some troll 2 call?

varkey 7

ewww but you should have put clothes on

lil_lala209 5

So wat did u do when the dog did thar

jackchaskell 0

*********** is now initiated by the animal, not the human, haven't you heard?

Apparently, the dog thought you were a bitch.... huh...