By notthesame - 18/08/2016 04:45 - United States - San Antonio

Today, my overprotective dad bolted all of my windows shut so that I don't turn out like my sister and sneak out or sneak boys in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 726
You deserved it 1 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It obviously sucks to be punished for a sibling's bad choices. But you might also want to point out to your dad that he has created a fire hazard. If your family is renting, that might actually be a serious violation of your lease agreement. And if your family owns the place, he may have just voided your home owner's insurance. (unless he removes the bolts before anyone finds out).

That first part kinda reminds me of Harry Potter...


my dad put cateases under my window so I can't jump down or no body will climb up that wont stop me though but have no friends for party anyway js

Casual break the window every time dad replaces it.... If you can't have a face to face chat..

I'm terribly sorry this is happening to you, my dad glued my windows shut when I was caught sneaking guys in (I was 19!) I'd been doing it since I was 16. ? Lmao! I called the non-emergency dispatch # of the police and anonymously reported, as a "concerned neighbor", that if seen him doing it. The police and fire dept came, found it, and ticketed him. He had to replace the Windows. Might not be a bad idea if you call your local law enforcement and report it too... JS... Good luck! And to all of you who think this is right and a good idea? Seriously? WTF kind of people are you?! SHE COULD DIE! She can't break the window now cuz there's a dresser in the way! OMG you disgust me.

with this kind of controlling behavior, it's no wonder why the sister feels the need to sneak around. clearly the dad has issues that are pushing away both his daughters.

No, her father is being a jackass. He's punishing her for her sister's wrongdoings. Until OP actually breaks this rule, the father has no right to punish or put any restrictions on her. He also created a safety hazard, so in the process of trying to "protect" her, he actually just made things more dangerous. She can get caught and burned alive in a fire, but hey, at least, she can't bring boys over and have sex, right? A father needs to be there for his daughter, not "look out for her" to the point where he controls her life and every move. That's why I hate the term "overprotective" it makes it sound good in a way, but you're not being protective, you're being controlling. With the father's behaviour, I'm honestly not surprised that OP's sister was rebellious.

I'm not allowed to close my door. I have to leave it open all the time.

I hate how no matter the FML or what it says, there's always people that try and justify the parent's actions. Parents are just people, and people can be shitty. They don't give a test or anything to be a parent, so terrible people can end up being parents who do awful things to their kids. No matter how you spin this, the father is in the wrong, plain and simple.

how is this an fml? if you aren't like your sister and you never sneak out then what's the problem? but if you do sneak out a lot then fyl

Read the comments. everyone has already explained why it's abusive behavior on the dad's part. And honestly, just think about this situation. Can you in all seriousness not see that this is terrible behavior coming from the father?

Because some people like to open a window to get some fresh air in their room? Because if there's a fire, she might have to get out through the window? Lots of reasons.

I knew a girl in college who had the "tiger/helicopter" parents so bad, they'd lock the door whenever they left the house, and take the key with them. As typically happens with that situation, she was so starved for attention the moment they forgot to lock the door, or were sick and couldn't keep track of her, she'd bang anyone she could..

seenoevil818 13

Strict parents leads into making sneaky kids.