By Live02Dance - 25/06/2011 12:58 - United States

Today, my mother won't give me any painkillers for my migraine. She believes that "When medicine goes into your stomach, the acids stop the medicine from working" and that "It's all in people's heads when medicine works". FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 493
You deserved it 3 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

I would like to give your mum an award of excellence on behalf of all the staff of "Complete Idiot University" also known as CIU.

flockz 19

im just wondering why their mom even has medicine in the first place if she doesn't even believe in it...


Go get meds elsewhere. Its not like she's gonna stop you.. unless you're 12.

trgower13 0

wait Obama isn't the anti Christ? haha. he is terrible anyways

trgower13 0

whoops that was suppose to be a reply to something. I'm stupid. haha

IAmTheHeavens 0

I think your mom took all the pills 0.o

...and that's why there isn't a cure for AIDS- no one believes they're cured!

crosscountry123 0

that's actully quite correct. studies with a placebo have shown the power of the mind can add to or heal a sickness.

yeah but I think I'm fairly correct in saying that most medicine aren't placebos

crosscountry123 0

mhmm. I understand that. but the tests show that maybe if she did other activities to distract herself it may work better to help her headache then popping pain killers.

monnanon 13

If it was just a headache then yeah I would agree but a migrane can be quite debilitatitng and usually requires some sort of meds to ease it. The placebo affect can fool you into thinking you are better but in the case of a migrane no amount of positive thinking will shift it.

crosscountry123 0

Yeahh thanks thats what I was goin for! you just put it in more intelligant words;)

catkat1988 17

Congratulations, you mom is an idiot. We should probably also stop prescribing penicillin as people only imagine their infections disappearing, right? Depending on how old you are and how frequently you get migraines, you could buy your own pain meds, though. I've had migraines since the age of 5, and at some point when I was a teenager, I started buying my own migraine meds to keep my parents out of my business (not that my parents were anywhere near that stupid, but it's still nice not to have to discuss every pill you take).