By Live02Dance - 25/06/2011 12:58 - United States

Today, my mother won't give me any painkillers for my migraine. She believes that "When medicine goes into your stomach, the acids stop the medicine from working" and that "It's all in people's heads when medicine works". FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 493
You deserved it 3 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

I would like to give your mum an award of excellence on behalf of all the staff of "Complete Idiot University" also known as CIU.

flockz 19

im just wondering why their mom even has medicine in the first place if she doesn't even believe in it...


aspirin and alcohol are some of the few things directly absorbed by the stomach ^_^ everything else small intestine

The next time she's in pain, just tell her "It's all in your head".

why do u need ur mom to take the pills? just take one without her knowing it, what are you, 12?

38 - I think that was the idea. Derp.

Chrispayne 4
soccer_stud_10 0

well, when u get migraine part of ur system shuts down, that is why most people don't eat very much when they get one. u can eat good, but it just sits in ur stomach an doesn't get passed through to Ur large intestine. therefor medication wouldn't get absorbed. so, she is half right. but it depends on the type of migraine an who u r. but that does kinda suck:

I don't think that's true. But I'd be more inclined to believe you if you had spelled anything correctly. Note for the future: if you want people to take you seriously, spell things right and use proper grammar.

Chrispayne 4

So acording to her its ok to smoke it. Snore it or shoot up (so the acid doesnt get to it)