By butimarealbear - 13/07/2011 13:11 - United States

Today, my mother started dating a man who insists people call him 'Panda'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 679
You deserved it 3 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

Panda no like being called regular name. Panda strong like warrior!


radioedit 7

start calling him Winnie, and tell him u forgot his name, u just knew it was some kind of bear.

I don't see what the big deal is. My boyfriend insists on the samething. When I introduce him I call him Panda and he's almost thirty.

As long as she's happy, why does it matter?

unless he's Jack Black that sucks hahs

i'd love to be able to call someone panda!!

cimh 9

Who clicked on "you deserve it"? How can it be her fault?

Unless he also expects you to hand-feed him bamboo and rub his belly, what's the big deal? Have you asked why he prefers that nickname?

jewelsfml 0

my mom was married to a did he get this Nick name, he got so wasted at a bar (that he lived outside of cuz he was homeless) and cheered for a wrestler named trooper that everyone called him that when he woke up! all in all it could be way worse