By crazyparents - 10/11/2010 07:12 - Australia

Today, my mother keyed my car because I wouldn't invite her into my home and get her a cup of tea, so she could continue screaming that she was going to kill me while I tried to feed my 4 month old daughter. The last time I got her a cup of tea she threw it in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 529
You deserved it 3 323

howtragic tells us more.

I am 24 years old and have been married for 4 years, own my own home etc. I went to private schools and uni, all the "good family" crap. But in reality, my mother is just off the rails, and my father is just as bad. She's always been like this, and it was ok when it was just me she was trying to hurt me but its gone beyond that now. Calling it quits and keeping well away from her. And she dosn't take sugar.

Top comments

your mother needs help. mental hospital help.

crazy much....I think you should give her a sippy cup, plastic keys, and a nice padded room. I would definitely be pissed and she would be on her way to shady pines nursing home for an extended "vacation"


acw81 1

holy hell that bitch is psycho

call the police she belongs in a straight jacket sounds like

Ah, herbal tea is my favourite kind of drink... Tea: Calming, relaxing, soothing, warming drink that allows us to fully appreciate this near perfect replica of "liquid luck". OP's Mothers attitude towards The Almighty Tea: Ironic.

wow, can I give you my number? I didn't know my mom had gone to Australia much less that I had a sister

merderous117 0

no offense but she's kind a messed up lady

I think my mother would be sooo pissed if I refused to let her into my house! Though I would probably say, "get your own tea" because unless she's disabled, OP was feeding her baby daughter, obviously she's busy. Throwing tea in your face is horrible. Was the tea hot? :/

yeah the tea was hot. Burnt me around my cheek and eye- not badly, probably because it flew across the kitchen counter before it landed on my face, but it left a nice red scald mark and swelling. Better than the time she and my dad pushed me down the stairs though. *sigh*

Have her sent her away if she gets rowdy again. Seriously. To a mental hospital.