By anonymous - 08/03/2010 15:12 - United States

Today, my mother-in-law grounded me because I went to the store in the "dangerous" rain. My husband says that if I don't obey then we won't work out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 643
You deserved it 4 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell him if he's serious he won't work out


This is a win for you. just don't accept the grounding from this crazy woman, and you'll be able to get rid of your crazy husband too! Though it sounds like he has no balls and is probably just bluffing with the whole "it won't work out" thing. So you'll have to be the one to file the divorce, and he'll probably get more of your mutual friends. fair trade still.

maybe op is pregnant? that could be a reason for this type of reaction

honestly, do you even WANT it to work out?

WHAAAATTT if that happened to me, I'd be like "WELL any guy who tells me to obey his mother who thinks the rain is dangerous won't work with ME" Seriously, wtf? Dangerous rain? Do they live under a rock? Are they fire pokemon? Wtf is the problem? Really, if he's serious, this really isn't gonna work =____=

silviam 7

that's stupid. what kind of marrige is that. **** his mother. I wish she would tell me that.

InCaged_Insanity 0

1. Go to the nearest bar 2. Find the ugliest,fattest guy in there 3. Make a sex tape with the guy and mail it to your now EX husband 4. mail a bomb to your inlaws 5. Change your name to CelenaRodrigez And move to mexico

KJames_87 0

if u obey her then shame on u.... ur an adult and hopefully live in ur own home/apt... u make the decision

yeahh would you honestly want to still live the rest of your life with these ppl?

was it like.... flooding conditions out?? or freezing rain??? you must be pregnant??? i can't think of any other reason a MIL would be so obsessed w/ a DIL's safety.... so how long are you grounded?? at least she didn't take the internet away. :) you just can't go out.... lol..