By anonymous - 17/09/2010 08:19 - United States

Today, my mom was going through the newspaper and cutting out coupons for me to use. She hands me two of them, one for tampons and the other for a pregnancy test saying "well, you're gonna need one or the other this month." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 736
You deserved it 7 341

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How is this a problem? You *are* going to use one or the other this month, aren't you? (I mean, unless you're a guy). Were you under the impression your mother doesn't know you have a menstrual cycle? Or do you think that your mom shouldn't be referring to your cycle, because that's something very intimate and private.... and should only be talked about on the Internet with a bunch of strangers?


lol ur mom has a great sense of humour I love and u don't have a sense if humour this is nit an fml

muffinkitty 15

Well... it's true. you COULD need one or the other..

crazychick1269 7

wish my ma was like your ma!!

but she's right, you are going to need one of them :)