By whovian - 25/12/2014 15:17 - United States - Gorham

Today, my mom got me a Christmas present. Since I'm a whovian, she thought it would be cool to get me what she thought was a sonic screwdriver. It was actually a dildo shaped as one. I opened the gift in front of my entire family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 536
You deserved it 4 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think OP's mom was telling her to go screw herself.


Looks like both the TARDIS and the screwdriver are bigger on the inside...

You deserved to get "screwed" in front of your family for claiming to be whovian...

…Huh? What else could it be? "Wholigan" was already taken by The Who.

Kalbrek, Whoaholic is not a thing. Whoaholic will never be a thing.

at least it was just your family and not all your friends and everyone else you know

Whether she got you the screwdriver or the ***** something's still getting screwed.

You can always use it as a rubber hammer!

I'm a big dr who fan as well, but when I first read this I was thinking of dr Seuss' "whoville"