By whovian - 25/12/2014 15:17 - United States - Gorham

Today, my mom got me a Christmas present. Since I'm a whovian, she thought it would be cool to get me what she thought was a sonic screwdriver. It was actually a dildo shaped as one. I opened the gift in front of my entire family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 536
You deserved it 4 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think OP's mom was telling her to go screw herself.


Hope it's not from a thrift store then...

Oh geez. This makes me glad my parents are Whovians too, so I get appropriate Doctor Who themed gifts every year.

I'm a whovian too! I really cannot imagine a ***** looking like a sonic screwdriver haha. Does it at least make the sound? :P

Fellow whovian its alright i got adipose anal beeds for christmas

i want one! just kidding. I want a real sonic....i only have a knockoff...OOOOOOH!! or the sonic sunglasses!