By that was mine - 15/05/2015 22:26 - United States - Cherry Hill

Today, my mom cleaned out my bank account, saying my "no-good dad" owes her child support and that she'll get it one way or another. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 886
You deserved it 2 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A07 48

I'm pretty sure she's not allowed to do that, talk to a lawyer OP

That money is supposed to go to YOU, or at least to taking care of you. This makes me so mad..


ViviMage 38

List her as a trustee. If you die she inherits the account funds. My mothers has no further direct ability to withdrawal money from me. Unless I'm dead.

How did she gain access to your account ? Mid she did not have your permission this is theft and to a certain degree fraud

Terrible idea. OP has no legal ground to stand on. The OP'S mom obviously was a joint to the account and had every legal right to withdraw.

tchatter 7

That's why I'd never give my parents access to my bank account!

xtm059 11

Put parental lock passwords on all of the electronic devices in the house. Cable, TV, phones, tablets, and the WiFi. Hold them ransom until she returns the money.

that doesnt make any sense lol, child support is for the kid anyway.. what a bitch lol

have your mothers name removed from your bank account op. your mother shouldn't steal from you

Your mom's a bitch. Also, that is illegal on so many levels. Is she on drugs??