By wtfseriously - 09/05/2011 17:22 - United States

Today, my mom and I had an argument about my laziness. We did this as I was eating uncooked rice because I didn't want to have to walk to the kitchen and put it into the microwave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 448
You deserved it 78 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm assuming you didn't win the argument.

DaveDave7 3


xdrumkid101x 0

i hope you realize that uncooked rice expands in your stomach...Enjoy the stomach pains to come!

if it **** your life then change it and quit whining


I'm sorry, I think I missed the part where OP represents the whole American population.


This was supposed to be a response to 83

so your mom won that argument .. do u wear a depends too so u dont have to get up to pee ?

rachhmoo 0

wow everyone who commented on this is really freaking annoying! relax this is funny no need to freak out and call the person names

so you are lazy. so do something about it instead of go on sites and bitch about your pathetic life.