By Lace - 23/08/2010 04:17 - United States

Today, my husband just told me that he no longer loves me but keeps me around to handle his finances. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 124
You deserved it 3 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yeah I say you **** up his finances real bad then leave his ass!

So move on obviously He doesn't care about your feelings. Get a divorce.


ouch. well... it's easy for me to say, but , go get urs

what an idiot.. he's your husband and doesn't even know your name?

kick his ass to the curb!!! let him **** up his finances!!

hang in there. emotional pain is the worst pain.

umm goodbye he's a grown man find someone that loves you for you.

Christopher08 0

shit come and take care of me and my finances too

Separate your finances and run him into debt, that'd teach him.

Divorce the asshole, take half of everything he owns, demand alimony and get yourself a boyfriend half his age. Your life won't suck. His life will.

litangel79 0