By LOTRfail - 27/07/2012 02:13 - United States - Malden

Today, my husband and I were watching Lord of the Rings. My husband told me he sees the eye of Sauron every time he goes down on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 311
You deserved it 4 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that1guy1 13

And you should have said you see a tiny hobbit whenever you go down on him.

If he means that your ****** possesses him and makes him do its bidding, then he's absolutely correct.


rayna19 2

That's hilarious. Chill out lol

karen1991 15

He sees EVERYTHING!!!!! lol

He ***** you when you're PMSing? Sickening.

acetheone 8

#100 the correct term is 'goes down on' and that's just gross.

dr3amcatchr 2

I been laughing out loud since ideas this. I read it 2 hours ago.

That is the opposite of a problem. Your husband must be some type of prophet or seer. He foretells the first and second coming of Sauron.