By ouch - 09/12/2009 17:09 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was telling me how concerned she was about her weight. I told her not to worry, because it gives more cushion for the pushin' anyway. She picked up a lamp and threw it right at my dingleberries. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 057
You deserved it 76 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Telionis 0

I thought dingleberries were the result of poor wiping post bowl movement?


Sparky09 0

I feel bad for you! My boyfriend told me the exact same thing when I told him I was concerned about my weight and it made me feel better because it shows that he still finds me attractive despite a few extra pounds. You maybe could've been a little more sensitive, but definitely FYL.

I get what you were trying to do, and maybe she'll understand that, too, but in the moment, it's far from her mind that you were trying to make her feel better or lighten the mood. It's better to go with the mood of things and try to cheer her up by telling her what she wants to hear. It wasn't right of her to throw something at you, even if (I'm assuming) you were just trying to be funny, so I say it's an FML for you. Next time, try to be more sensitive to your girlfriend rather than try to lighten the mood immediately. Save that until you're on more stable ground in the conversation.

You're an asshole and a pig for thinking that will mak her feel better

You're an asshole and a pig for thinking that will mak her feel better

Now you must hit her with the lamp. It's paybacks.

Really man? Dingle berries? REALLY?!?

LOL slap her ass and ride the waves dood :D

Maybe you should hav tried "I like you just the way you are" then maybe she would have done something else with ur 'dingleberries'