By NoConfusion - 14/09/2014 12:53 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my girlfriend told me that the necklace I gave her wasn't a "unique enough gift." I spent two weeks making that necklace, link by link. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 756
You deserved it 3 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate ungrateful people. She's lucky she got a gift in the first place

My boyfriend always gives me ugly jewelry that he made and I'll wear it until it breaks just because I love him.


You're girlfriend does NOT sound very appreciative or greatful for what you did. Honestly, she sounds like a spoiled brat. You should really talk to her or reevaluate your relationship.

whoviancutie 9

Daawww that's still the sweetest thing ever. OP, you can definitely find a more appreciative girl.

You sound sweet, sorry she's ungrateful

It sounds like she might be a manipulative bitch. She has certainly fooled you if she has you putting something together link by link and comes up with that response

Seems like it's time to get a new girlfriend. Ungrateful people are never fun people.