By Anonymous - 22/06/2013 07:31 - United States - Piedmont

Today, my girlfriend told me that she feels pregnant. I didn't believe her, given how recently we had sex for the first time, so I told her to take a test to make sure. She's very sure now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 823
You deserved it 51 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well congrats on being a daddy but it doesn't matter if it's the first time you have sex. sex is sex

First time or not, she can still get pregnant...I thought they taught you that in health class.


Are you stupid? 1st time or the 100th time. You still ****** without protection.

Who do you know they didn't use any? Condoms and pills are not 100% effective

UnluckyGenius 21

To quote Red Foreman "Dumbass!"

Don't be dumb, OP. Sex is sex, first time or not.

Pregnancy can happen, even if you use protection, so I assume you were smart enough to try and protect yourself. Is it a Dashiki type of thing? If she is claiming (and getting a positive) two days after you had sex, call her out on it. Just do the math to figure out if you could be the father.

Well sir, it's time to grow up and be a man.

sugarbear0727 19

Some women just know. I absolutely had no clue till I went to a clinic. My only symptom was the missing periods, and my cycle is always weird, so I didn't think anything of it. I'm almost 7 months pregnant now and am glad to say I've never suffered any symptoms besides the missing periods. I guess I was just lucky. Congrats on the baby. If you have doubts, just go to the doctor when they do the first sonogram, that'll tell you how far along she is, and will assure you of whether or not its yours. If you're still confused, ask the doctor if she's far enough along to coincide with the first time you two had sex.

perdix 29

You should have gone gay in that three-way. Sometimes it's hard to take one for the team, but see what happens when you don't?

You guys are dumb. He's not the father. That's the FML here.