By Terminator101101 - 30/05/2013 23:06 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, my girlfriend thought it would be funny to go to the Apple store and log me on to Facebook on every single computer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 888
You deserved it 9 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let me guess: your interest now say that you are gay and a belieber?


yzzami 17

Change your relationship status to single. When she laughs and thinks it was someone at the apple store, tell her it was you and that yes, you are serious

NodakN8V 25

People are so sensitive these days. No one has a cents of humor anymore.

icepick23 12

She sounds adorable. Forgive her & treat her to a nice dinner.

She really wanted to break up with you. Somebody probably high jack your account getting all your info. Stupid move on your girl part.

MillerBeerTime 5

Why in the world would your girlfriend know your Facebook password? She's probably the insecure type im guessing

great prank! however I agree that you should change your password now