By noo - 11/10/2009 10:54 - Australia

Today, my girlfriend's mother called me to tell me she didn't appreciate our "public amorous behaviour" at the local food court. I didn't go out all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 177
You deserved it 2 422

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. Personally I'd talk to your GFs mom and make 100% sure that it was her daughter. Then dump your girlfriend. No need having a woman that clearly doesn't understand boundaries in a relationship. Nothing should say, "here's the door don't have it hit you in the ass" from a unfaithful SO.

hmmm guess you should ask your gf about it?


rolling on floor floor floor floor floor floor floor laughing??

ydi for dating a ***** with a stupid mother.

i_got_it 0

Awww.. She pimped you.. Break it off with the ****. No girlfriend = More weed for yourself. Think about which is more important.

By "public amorous behavior," I assume she means that your girlfriend and this other guy provided the entertainment for the food court that day?

i think it was just her moms subtle way of telling you her daughter was cheating on you