By Anonymous - 16/08/2009 17:14 - United States

Today, my girlfriend named my penis "little baby carrot." FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 099
You deserved it 10 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

spidergirl41 0

Does she like carrots? Also, don't forget the ranch!!! xD

Dmaster22 0


ohh small penis stick that sucks maybe ur bag is bigger haha laccrosse reference lolz

Tummytumsxd 1

Hahaha atleast she didnt say penut lol tgat would be worse

We males have to live with what god gives us. Don't feel bad, your not the only needle-dick out there.

cheezebuiscut 0

Lol weeeell carrots are actually naturally black & the words Black,Penis & little dont go 2gether sooooooo TECHNICALLY.........

jaytee1994 9

We'll my girlfriend named mine, " mr pebbles " lmao!

goliatron 9

I hope you nicknamed your girlfriend "One Slapped Bitch!"