By shmarf - 20/06/2015 06:00 - United States - Belton

Today, my girlfriend gave me my first ever blowjob and she surprised me by deciding to swallow. Or so I thought. When she came up to kiss me, she spat my man-milk into my mouth and almost pissed herself laughing when I freaked out and nearly threw up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 806
You deserved it 19 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments


geez you deserve it just for calling it your man milk

That was rude, guess she doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell winning back your trust.

planetmars111 3

you know what they say, spitters are quitters

windscar1212 10

should have swallowed it. would have shown dominance

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. As long as she doesn't do it again without talking to you than she's taught you a lesson you needed to learn. You have been baptized and will appreciatewhat she is doing for you when she lets you finish in her mouth.

KingAdrock 16

"Today my boyfriend came up to kiss me but instead spat in my mouth, and almost pissed himself laughing when I freaked out and nearly threw up." Something tells me nobody would be defending the guy in this situation. So why is OP's story different?