By Anonymous - 28/12/2012 04:31 - United States

Today, my girlfriend donated most of my book collection because she got me a Kindle for Christmas. Some were signed, including my Harry Potters. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 090
You deserved it 4 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oj101 33

Muggles... What do you expect from them?

WHY do people think it's okay to get rid of things that do not belong to them without the owner's consent?!


**** HER! omg. I am offended just by reading this post. I am soo sorry, OP. so sorry :'/ (

I admire the fact that you still call her "my girlfriend" you love her a lot. Hopefully you can still get some back. Good luck.

I really feel for you OP and hope you can recover your books... Amongst my large book collection I've got wheel of time books signed by the late Robert Jordan and I know that if someone decided to throw out or sell these irreplaceable books, 'mad' would be the mildest way of putting how I'd feel.

This kind of shit is part of the reason I had to learn to make my own sandwiches.

I laughed so hard at this!!!!!!!! Maybe I should threaten my husbands books so he'll make his own sandwich! *no books were harmed in the making of this post*

that's pretty silly because if you want to read one of the books you already had you have to pay for it again on kindle. sometimes I still buy the physical book as well because it's cheaper than the kindle edition as well

Hanneri 5

Dump her!!! No book-hating girl is worth it =_=

Easy solution.... Have J.K. Rowling sign your kindle.. Done.. Next problem please!

CharresBarkrey 15

How about having to purchase all the digital HP books again for the Kindle?

I'd break up with anyone that did anything to my Harry Potters, my dog ripped a page out of my chamber of secrets yesterday and I cried

CharresBarkrey 15

If it's the same dog in your picture, I'd let it do anything to my Harry Potter books. Holy cute!

yeah that's him, couldn't stay angry for too long