By BrokeAndPsst - 12/04/2011 04:27 - United States

Today, my girlfriend chose the most expensive restaurant in town, then spent the entire time facebooking, texting, and playing games on her phone while I dined in silence. This is the second time we've been out this week. She didn't even eat her food. I didn't even get a thank you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 169
You deserved it 14 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

straight out dude... you seem like a very nice guy.. who just so happened to be stuck with a hardcore bitch.. dump her and find one that appreciates!

Sounds like she's not interested in you. Time to move on.


Time ditch the bitch. move on my man move on. Good luck 

UpsidedownKayak 9

Obviously, she doesn't want to be with you but rather than be honest about it, she wants to play games so that you dump her. You need to do just that and this is how you should do it. Take her out to another expensive restaurant, order the most expensive meal, after it arrives tell her you need to use the restroom and leave her there. That's right, make her pay for a meal.

invite her out again to the same place. pick her up so you have the car. order two of the most expensive things on the menu, with appetizers and drinks. when she is busy on the phone, drink it up and feast. then sneak out. leave her ass with the bill. better yet, she will have the bill AND be stranded.

Lizza330 28

I think you should talk to her and explain to her that she should at least say thank you, and things like that. If that dosen't work, then you might want to break up with her.

why are you even calling her your girlfriend? dump that girl

lilcc86 0

thats money you could spend on yourself or someone that would appreciate it. dump her via text

Lilmama2Uchickz 0

Break up with her she'z not worth the money you worked for

Con3030 0

for real dump her you don't need that there are plenty of fish in the sea and there is someone that will appreciate everything you do just get rid of her